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Sunday, May 28, 2006

DVD Online Rentals! Rent Movies In Your Pyjamas, And Watch Them In Your Jammy's Too

by William Lezubski

When it comes to convenience, DVD online rentals have to be the most convenient way to rent your favorite movie releases without having to leave your comfy couch in your home!

Since the Internet opened the DVD rental service market, many individuals and families quickly took advantage of the valuable features they offered, such as free trial periods, and also the low introductory membership fees that lets you rent unlimited movies per month, and you never have to experience late fees ever again.

If you haven't taken advantage of the rental services through many online movie companies including Blockbuster, Intelliflix, and DVD Avenue, and for the Canadians the rental site, than you don't know what your missing.

With a monthly membership, you can choose and rent as many movies as you like, however, many online rental companies will allow 3 out at a time. That's not bad, considering once you get the shipping system down, you can have a load of movies and games coming to your door just as fast as you ship them back!

Top Entertainment Titles From Classics, Comedy, To Adult Videos Are Delivered Directly To Your Door!

Having delivery to your door is the future, and many movie and game rental enthusiasts are taking advantage of this feature, and eliminating frustrating line-ups for good! The rental process is simple, and when you go to Blockbuster's or the online video store of your choice, all you have to do is visit the your interested categories. Find your choice of film or game, and click the computer mouse and that's all it takes.

Online movies are sent to you within days, and most online rental companies will let you know the average time it will take to arrive. Then all you have to do is wait until they arrive, and you're ready to watch them as many times as you like.

Late Fees Are The Thing Of The Past! For The Renters Who Forget To Return Their Movies, No More Worries!

You may remember the times you were charged nasty late fees that ended-up being more than the actual DVD movie you only planned to rent for a day or two. I recall the local movie rental store being so rude and inflexible with the fees, and it made me very angry.

I considered myself responsible, and when the odd occasion I would forget to take a movie back, or I just got too busy and couldn't make it to the store on time. I would sneak the movie into the drop box, but the next time I went in to rent a flick, it almost seemed that they waited for day to push the fee in my face.

When many of the top online rental companies expressed there were no online fee charges, I was extremely excited, and looked forward to going to my local store to tell them that they would not be getting anymore of my excess late fees, because I was not going to rent from them anymore! I was about to venture in renting my movies from this day forward via the Internet, and the rest was history.

William is the Author and owner of "Online DVD and Game Rental" available at Your source for DVD and Game Rental Services available online! Find top online video stores offering DVD and Video Game rentals such as Blockbuster and Intelliflix, and have your entertainment conveniently delivered right to your door with no late fees or shipping charges.

About the Author

William is the Author and owner of "Online DVD and Game Rental" available at Your source for DVD and Game Rental Services available online!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Mpaa Allows Movie Downloads- Are They Worth Your Dime?

by Madison Lockwood

What Are Movie Download Services? Movie download services are exactly what they sound like: a service that allows you to download movies from the Internet onto your hard drive or a DVD. Though this isn't a new concept, it is relatively new to the legal world of consumerism. Though 'pirates' have been making free download of movies available for quite some time, movie studios are now getting in on the action and offering access to their movies for download the day they hit the stores in DVD format - for a fee, of course.

Who's Who In Movie Download Services? In the relatively new world of legitimate movie download services, there are surprisingly many players, but only a few of them are major. There's Movielink and Sony's CinemaNow which offer old and new movies for purchase or 24 hour rental. Rental fees are comparable to the local video store but purchase is more expensive than if you were to buy the DVD. ClickStar, backed by Danny DeVito among other big names in Hollywood, is another up and comer in the world of movie download services, but this one's draw is that it will offer movies for download while they are still showing in the theater. It will also feature a streaming channel devoted to documentaries.

AT&T is teaming up with Vongo, another movie downloading site, to offer its DSL service in concert and duo promotions. Different from Movielink and CinemaNow, Vongo is a subscription service offered for a monthly fee which allows its members unlimited access to movies, videos, and a streaming Starz channel. Pay per view movies are available as well for an additional fee.

Movie Download Services: The Nitty Gritty

- Price - Ranging anywhere from $10-$20, the irony is downloading movies legally isn't cheap. In order to appease the retailers who make big bucks on DVDs released in stores, the online downloading services are keeping their fees in the clouds. Which of course, doesn't hurt their pocketbook, either.

- Availability - It depends. Different services have different deals with different movie studios. As for old movies, those are being added all the time. But the nice thing is, if they have it, you can get it - instantly.

- Space - You will need between 1200 and 2000 MBs of free space to store your movie. Depending on your system, this may be a lot or a little. Some services may allow you to burn your download to a DVD, but only if you're buying the movie and even then, most won't.

- Download Time - This is no time for dial-up, that's for sure. Anything DSL and faster should get you your movie in under an hour with an average of 35 to 40 minutes, and that's if you want it fast and grainy. If you're willing to wait a little longer, say, up to two hours, you can download a higher quality version. A nice feature that some services offer is the ability to start watching the movie while it's still downloading.

- Technical Requirements - At least Windows Media Player 10, fast Internet connection, Internet Explorer 6.0, Windows XP. You might be able to get away with older versions, but it isn't recommended. And yes, did you note - it's all PC and no Mac. That's right. PC users only, please.

- Computer Viewing Only - Currently, that's the state of things. That is, unless you choose a service that allows you to download it to some other electronic handheld device of your choosing, like PSP or iPod. Of course, you could always use an S-video jack to hook your computer to your TV and watch it on the big screen. Some services allow limited DVD burning, but they may restrict the DVD to playing only in the computer to which the movie was downloaded, allowing your fancy DVD player to gather dust.

- Buy Versus Rent - It's a strange situation at this point, but different studios offer different services different licenses to different movies. So, you may only be able to rent a title through one service that another is offering for sale. Other services may not have any access to certain titles while others do. There's no standard just yet, so it's a bit of a crap shoot.

What's the Benefit of Movie Download Services? Convenience! Forget long lines at the theater, the video store being out of a new release, or waiting in virtual queue to get your mailed DVD through a subscription service. No more concern about court cases and legal fees for downloading movies illegally or spyware from file sharing applications that will slow down your computer if not cripple it beyond repair. Then, of course, there's the fact that you can watch the newest movies as many times as you like on your personal computer and instantly upon purchase - no waiting and no driving to the store.

What's the Downside of Movie Download Services? At the moment, cost and restricted viewing access. You may not necessarily want to watch a movie on your computer when you just invested $2000 in a big screen HDTV. And you may not want to invest $20 in a movie that you can't even resell online if you don't like it. If you have a slow internet connection, the download time may be a bummer, too, especially if you're trying to use your computer for other things while the process slows your computer to a painful snail pace. And if you use a Mac, well, obviously, the downside is that movie download services simply don't exist. Then, what if a virus infects the computer where all your movies are stored? Yup. Have to buy them all over again.

Movie Download Services - Yay or Nay? The state of affairs being what they are - that is, in their ugly braces and zits prepubescent stage - probably nay. Remember the first BETA machines? Or the $700 CD players back in the '80s? When movie download service lowers their prices and speed up the technology, allow for actual DVD burnings that include the extras and TV viewings as well as access to films that are still in theaters, then yay! In the meantime, sticking with higher quality DVDs that don't discriminate against Mac users and big screen television sets and allow for resale later on. Unless you have to see the movie This Very Second, movie download services are not yet the incredible service they have the potential to be in the future.

About the Author

Madison Lockwood is a customer relations associate, specializing in small business development, for Apollo Hosting. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting, ecommerce hosting, vps hosting, and web design services to a wide range of customers.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Rent Movies on the Web

by John Hinkle

Renting movies on the web can be a huge time saver for most rural living individuals who have to commute a fairly large distance to rent their favorite movies. Today, we will be examining why movie rentals online are gaining so much popularity.


Convenience is truly a luxury worth having these days. People are looking for ways to save time and effort. Everything these days has to be fast and easy. Movie rental companies on the web provide that and much more. First of all and most important they deliver the movie right to your front door. No more wasting your gas going to your favorite rental store, only to find out that the movie you wanted is no longer available and won't be available until you make that drive again. Gas is too expensive these day, who wants to spend all that money driving to a movie store when you can easily accomplish the same task on your home computer?


The average movie store charges from $3.00 to $6.00 dollars per movie rental. As you can see, this could get very expensive, especially if you're renting numerous titles per week. Most of the well known movie rental clubs like Netflix, Blockbuster Online, Intelliflix and DVD Avenue only charge $12.95 to $19.95 per month for unlimited movie rentals. So let's say you rent 2 titles per week at the local movie store. That equal around $30.00 dollars per month compared to $12 to $13 dollars per month with the online alternative. This is a large savings at the end of the month.

Not only does this become very cost affective for you in the long run, but you also get a larger selection of movies to watch from the web as well, which brings us to the next point.


If you thought that the selection of movie titles was incredible at your local Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, you ain't seen nothing yet. When you rent movies on the web, your not only renting some of the newer release titles, but you also get a choice of classic selections as well. Due to the fact that most of these online rental clubs have many warehouses all over the nation that can be shipped to your address at the drop of a dime, you get a massive selection of movies at the snap of a finger. Now, not all movie rental clubs were created equal in this world of movie rentals on the web, so if your looking for selection, I would personally stick to the top rental clubs. At this point in time, Netflix, Blockbuster Online, and Intelliflix have a great selection of titles at prices you just can't beat locally.

With all the advantages mentioned above, you should definately look into signing up for an rental movie club on the web. There are a few places on the internet where you will find detailed reviews of the top online movie rental clubs in the US. For more information, please read below.

About the Author

The #1 Rated Online Movie Rental Club Review Guide. Expert Reviews, Offers, Articles, Movies, and Releases.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bootleg Movie Downloads

by Kristy Annely

Bootleg movie downloads are a major scourge in the world of entertainment and are an offshoot of the digital makeover associated with the movie industry. One of the disturbing facts is that it has generated lucrative, novel businesses including movie DVDs and downloadable music. In other words, digital technology has opened up an unknown scope for bootlegging by unscrupulous players in the field.

The harm that has been done by bootleg movie downloads is unprecedented. Records indicate that disc and tape forgery accounts for a sizeable loss in revenue. An area of grave concern is that illegal copies of movies are flooding the internet. Bootleg downloads have hit the entertainment industry hard. It has encouraged commercial piracy to a great extent, and it has come as a great blow to creative ideas and views.

The United States entertainment industry is worried that there has been a steady growth of disc bootlegging. The ambiguous system that facilitates entry of bootleg movies to the market is complex. It is lucrative as well. Commercial pirates earn huge amounts through this nepharious process. In the absence of strict laws, the risk involved is minimal allowing bootleggers to pocket thousands of dollars a week.

Bootlegged movies move globally with the aid of an intricate and surreptitious channe1. First, a movie is clandestinely recorded with a camcorder while up for public viewing in a theater. The recording is then transferred to a computer and placed online, The master copy is handed over to a manufacturer either in the form of a DVD or electronically. The manufacturer makes copies from the discs that are made available for a fee to a network of distributors. These distributors sell them to teams of peddlers.

About the Author

Movie Downloads provides detailed information on Movie Downloads, Free Movie Downloads, Movie Player Downloads, Unlimited Movie Downloads and more. Movie Downloads is affliated with Free Movie Player Downloads.